
Industrial advantages

■ Top 100 Industrial Enterprises in China ChemPharm Industry (2013-2020)

■ List of Potential Landmark Enterprises in Suzhou (1st batch of 16) (April 2020)

■ Suzhou Quality Award (October 2020)

■ Construction Enterprise of Leading Enterprise Advanced Technology Research Institute in Suzhou (December 2020)

Over 290 drug approval documents, more than 170 drug varieties

(Over 40 varieties in production)

Production line: Infusion, water acupuncture, lyophilized powder injection, capsule, granule, tablet, emulsion, oral liquid, Chinese medicine extraction

Production capacity: 500 million tablets, 400 million injections, 300 million lyophilized tablets, 200 million oral solutions, 100 million dripping pills

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备案号:苏ICP备11041999号-1 版权所有:2015 江苏吴中医药发展股份有限公司
